Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Buyer's Guide - Electric Bikes

Electric bikes have caught the interest of many Australians. Mainly because of the increasing environmental awareness and the savings that it can generate. Electric bikes are an investment and ROI does not only come in monetary terms but also in environmentally. Like any other investment it is imperative that you take precaution before spending your money. As such, you need to know as much information as you can before you purchase an Electric Bike.

As a general overview here are the things that you to do so you can maximise the benefits of the technology and avoid any costly mistake which can make the whole idea hollow.

Identify what you need - Will you be using the vehicle to go to work? Perhaps as a daily commute around town to pick up groceries? Regardless of what it is you should know what you need otherwise you will have a hard time finding what is suited for you.

Read and read - Before you buy an electric bike it is advisable that you do your research. Try to read as much as you can to know all the pros and cons of the vehicle. If you have a list of questions do not stop reading until you find a conclusive answer to it. This will make sure that you will be able to do an informed decision when it is time to actually make the purchase.

Visit forums and reviews - Forums and reviews will be your best mate when looking for a specific make and model. However, make sure that you visit credible websites and identify spams and marketing stunts. If you cannot find a thread that relates to your concerns then start your own. Try to be as detailed as possible with your concern and you will be amazed how powerful forum communities are.

Test drive - After equipping yourself with all the knowledge that you can acquire about electric bikes it is still imperative that you test drive the vehicle. Remember what is written on paper may be differ from the real world. Have a feel of the vehicle and picture yourself driving. Ask yourself will it fulfill your needs? If not, then do not buy it.

Do not let the sales agent step on your toes - Yes it is helpful to have a good sales agent to offer you information but there is a fine line between offering help and persuasion.

Check for warranty - Obviously warranty is an important aspect. There are numerous moving parts in an electric vehicle and there is no such things as an indestructible vehicle. Sooner or later something will break down and this is when a good warranty will be really handy.

Rethink and reconsider - After you have come to a decision about a specific make and model you are keen to buy take some time before paying for it. Rethink again if this is what you really need and what you want in terms of its motor, design, battery pack, usability and cost. If you a second best option reconsider it and compare once last time before you make a purchase.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Electric Bikes - A Transportation Vehicle and not just for Fun

E bikes or Electric Bikes are not the normal bicycles we grew up riding with. The difference in e bikes though is that there is an electric motor attached to power the vehicle. At first glance you will never notice the difference between a regular bicycle and an e bike, until you look closely and ride one.

An Electric bike or e bike design may vary depending on its maker. But the typical e bike has a motor, batteries and a motor controller. The more sophisticated ones are foldable, lightweight, with motor 36V 200W, Display LED, V brakes, Gears, Battery L--Ion 9Ah, Zoom 120 and slightly expensive. Due to its slowly rising demand, e bikes are one of Australia’s favorite rides.  In fact, even children are getting the hang of riding e bikes. People from different ages are using e bikes because of its “environment – friendly” concept.

Imagine riding a bicycle with the power of a motorcycle without the gasoline, which we all know is very harmful to the environment due to the smoke it emits (carbon monoxide).  With E bikes its guilt free, efficient and definitely fun. You can speed up without getting tired of pedaling even up to several kilometers (depending on your battery capacity). This is an ideal transportation for students and yuppies that is tired of getting stuck in traffic and doesn’t want to spend extra for gas. If you haven’t tried riding a bike yet or maybe you wanted to but couldn’t afford to buy one, you can actually create your own e bike. There are a lot of available DIY’s (do it yourself) manuals and videos online on how to assemble your own e bike, even if you’re on tight budget. 

Everybody should own an e bike, even for those who never learned how to ride one. I’m sure E bikes would conquer the world soon, especially with the Oil Price rising to the top.  E bike is the solution to the constant oil price change simply because an e bike doesn’t need gas. This is definitely one form of transportation I highly recommend to everyone.

5 Electric Bike Maintenance Tips

Like any other vehicles electric bikes need care and proper maintenance to prolong its life and to preserve its good condition as long as possible. However, don’t think that it is a daunting task to maintain the vehicle. Since the Electric bikes are relatively smaller than your car maintenance will also be a breeze and you wouldn’t break a sweat in doing so. Just take a look at these 5 easy maintenance tips you can easily apply.

1. Parking - since electric bikes are uses is powered by a battery that is not as concealed that of a car you need to park it in a safer place away from the weather conditions. Extreme heat and or moisture can affect the performance of your electric bikes and can shorten its lifespan. It is then ideal to park it indoors.

2. Clean it regularly - Like cars electric bikes need regularly cleaning to avoid dust, dirt and moisture to sip into the electrical components of the vehicle. Furthermore, regular cleaning can help maintain the aesthetics of the vehicle so it will always look nice and sharp. By cleaning your bike regularly you can also maintain the safety of the passengers and avoid any untoward incidents.

3. Check bike chains regularly and replace as necessary - The bikes chains can be comparable to the drive belts of a car. This means that in order for it drive safely and avoid any further damage you need to check the bike chains regularly, lubricate as necessary, clean regularly and replace as needed.

4. Check electrical  wirings regularly - You also need to check all the electrical components of the electric bikes regularly for safety and to avoid any further damage to the vehicle. Any worn out or chipped wires should be replaced immediately by a qualified mechanic or better yet take it to your dealer.

5. Routine maintenance checkup - Like cars it is advisable that you bring you electric bikes to a qualified technician or dealer regularly so they can conduct a routine maintenance to check if there are any parts that needs to be repaired or replaced to avoid further damage to the vehicle.

Always remember that if take care of your vehicle regardless of whether it is an electric bike or a petrol powered vehicle you can prolong its lifespan and maintain its good condition for years to come. Additionally a well maintained vehicle can save you on repair cost.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 Places to go with your E Bikes

A contrary to the popular belief that E Bikes can only be used in inner around your neighborhood E Bikes are actually very useful and can mainly replace your car for short distance travel. Below are just some of the many places that you can go with your E Bikes.

1. The shopping mall - Obviously you cannot use your E Bikes if you are plan to shop until you drop but if you plan to buy one item then you can definitely use it. Not only that will save your transportation money you can also relieve your stress for finding a parking spot. Furthermore, E bikes can get you faster in a shopping mall because of the traffic conditions in these places.

2. The park - One place that you will definitely enjoy going with your E Bike is your the local park in your town. With a car you need to find a parking space then you need walk to stroll the park. With an E bike you can easily find a parking space because you can literally park it anywhere in a park or better yet you can do your stroll whilst riding it. A good way to sightsee.

3. The gym - take your e bikes down to the gym so you can complete your exercise whilst riding in style. Additionally parking space is always a problem in Gyms but with such vehicle you no longer need to worry about parking and you can get on the important things already - your exercise.

4. Your work - Cycling is becoming a popular mode of transportation to get to work. However, the downside of it is that you are all sweaty and tired by the time you get to your office and it can definitely affect your performance at work. With E bike you can get to work without sweating a bit and you can perform your very best at work.

5. The lake - You can also go visit your favorite lake for a swim in your e bike. You can have a convoy of e bikes with your friends which will be a whole lot fun compared to riding in cars. Additionally, you can take this bikes to the woods as well since can be manually pedalled and you can go uphill or downhill with it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Customizing your E Bikes

Customizing a vehicle is always a fun, exciting and fulfilling project. E Bikes are no exception to this. You can trick out your E Bikes to suit your personality, to express your feelings and to have a unique vehicle that only you will ever have. You can pretty much customize everything about an Electric bike at just the fraction of the just when customizing a car. Below are some exciting ideas on what you can do to trick out your bike.

Custom paint job - One of the most distinctive aspect that you can do in customizing a vehicle including E Bikes is the paint job. This will be a huge factor in the overall customization of the vehicle and should be thought through very carefully. You can either go for a straight color, matte finishes or perhaps a more subtle shade and is highlighted by some personalized decals. Females tend to go for brighter colors and decals of their favorite cartoon character or movie. Either way choose what expresses your personality and what will make you happy and proud on your work.

Custom wheels - No vehicle personalization is complete without replacing the wheels. Choose the wheels that best suits your theme. If you go for a hot rod type it is better if you go for a huge chrome wheels that will give accent to those hot rod styled decals and paint job. If you want a more sportier look then choose a multi spoke wheels that contrast your paint job. For example if your body color is black then a white mag wheels will look really good on it. Females on the other hand can go for mag wheels with the same color that of the body. This will give a more distinct feeling of the their theme.

Custom seats - The seats will also play a big factor in the overall look of your E bike. You can either stick with the stock dimension and just change the fabric to match your overall theme or take to the next level by completely redoing the whole seat to change its shape and dimension.

Custom steering handles - Some e bikes have boring steering wheel designs. You can swap with something better. Although you may need to completely fabricate it from virtually nothing the job will be worth it once you’ve seen the results of it.

Chrome accents - Proper chroming of various parts of your e bike will have a huge impact on the overall appearance. Try to mix and match all the chrome possibilities and choose the one that best suits your theme.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Benefits of E Bicycles for Short Distance Travel

E bicycles are now becoming really popular in Australia. Shops are now opening in almost every city corner and it is a common sight to see people go to work using an E bicycle, to pick up some groceries, to visit a friend around the corner and other short distance travel. So the question is why is it very popular? Well to help you decide if an E bicycle is for you, here are some of its benefits that you can enjoy.

Cheaper to use than your car

Whether you have a fuel thirsty SUV with a massive V8 or a small 2 liter inline 4 sedan nothing beats the cost effectiveness on an E bicycle. On average you spend about $40 per 100 miles on your car depending on traffic conditions, your car, your driving habit and the price of petrol. With an E bicycle 100 miles will cost you less than a dollar. That is more than 95% savings on top of what you will be saving on your car’s maintenance and repair.

Better for the environment

Did you know that a car traveling at around 20 miles per hour can easily emit 1 pound of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere per mile? Well it may not sound much but on average that is about 12,000 pounds per year per car. Collective that will be millions of metric tons of greenhouse gases emitted to our poor atmosphere.

E bicycles emit no pollution and the indirect greenhouse gas that it produce through charging is very minimal and some of your high tech appliances may even indirectly produce more pollution.

Say goodbye to license and registration

An E bicycle does not require any license and registration to use it. So it is just buy and use. No hassle, no drama just pure biking pleasure.

No more parking wars

Tired of going to grocery to pick up a few items just to find out that there is available parking slot? Always late for work because you can’t find a decent parking slot? An E bike is easier to park so you never have to worry if there is a parking space wherever you will go.

Easier to clean
It is always a pain staking routine to wash your car over the weekend when you should be resting and enjoying some good old family bonding time. An E bike is easier to clean and it will just take you minutes to bring back that shine not hours like with a car.

So if the above benefits make you smile then an E bicycle is definitely for you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Easy ways to Clean your E Bicycle

If you own an e bike, you might have enjoyed the muddy uphill and downhill ride along steep mountains. The adrenaline rush of riding an e bike at 50 kph is truly fun. Its a good way of having a fun time with friends over the weekend after a long day's work. When you get home though, what have you discovered? Mud and scratches are showing, frame made of carbon is a little dull, and tires are just indescribable, it looks gray and dry looking. How do you keep your steed looking its best for your next biking trip with friends? How do you clean your e bike? We all know that clean e bikes work better and go even faster besides looking better. If you want to receive a shiny shimmering e bike again, here are the five ticks of the trade.

1. Make sure that your e bike is still and in an upright position. Keep your E Bicycle, a kick stand, repair stand or have it propped up in a tree or rocks will do.

2. Spray it with a little water to remove all mud and grime. You can have a separate bucket with soap and a sponge or rag to use in washing the frame. A soapy water is best in washing carbon frames.

3. To degrease the gears, chain and drive train, use a spray solvent. WD40 or carburetor cleaner can be used. Always remember to spray through the links of the chain using the solvent.

You need to focus on the chain and areas around it. You can use soapy water to remove the applied solvent degreaser. A brush dipped in soapy water would be helpful or you can just dip it in plain water. Be sure to prepare a lube when you wash the chain though, if not, then no need to scrub it with soap and water, a degreaser will do.

4. You can also use the sponge for the wheels. Make sure to prop it not touching the ground to be sure that all of it will be cleaned. Then you can rinse everything lightly.

5. The last part of cleaning your E Bicycle would be the drying. Be sure to have 3 different rags. One for the frame and the other one in the oily chain, in which you just pat dry. You can use the same rag you used on the frame for your wheels or you can use a separate rag. Be sure to clean the wheel area and the brake pads to avoid rubber deposits. And finally lube it up. Lube the chain, use a degreaser and wax the frame. Voila! Your e bike is as good as new.