Friday, May 24, 2013

Interesting E-Bikes Facts

Over the past couple of years e-bikes have gained huge popularity in the Australian market as an alternative medium of transportation to cars for short distance travel. It shattered records worldwide because of the massive growth in sales primarily because of the many benefits that it brings. 

Generally everybody knows that an e-bike can save you money on gas and reduce your carbon footprint but there is more to it than just that. Here are some interesting facts that will make you proud if already own one.

 Patents – Numerous patents were made in the United State for e bikes and the earliest ones dates back to 1985 when Ogden Bolton Jr. submitted a design for battery powered bicycle that can amazingly squeeze out 100 amperes from a 10 watt battery. The design was simple yet efficient that some e bikes design today still borrows the main concept of Bolton.

Evolution – from a simple battery pack, e bikes have evolved drastically over the past few decades. Today we enjoy a much more powerful motor with clever features such as power on demand assist, pedal assist and power on demand and pedal assist. All this clever engineering revolutionize our e bike experience ensuring that the ride is not laborious when we do not want it to be.

Massive sales growth – In 2012 worldwide sales of e bikes hit the roof with a 99.5% increase in just a span of 3 years. From 200,000 sales in 2009 over 40,000,000 units we’re sold in 2012 making it one of the fastest growing markets in the world of transportation overlapping even the well known car brands.

 Carbon reduction – Did you know that you are saving up to 50 kg of carbon emissions per year just by using an e bike for a 1 kilometer trip in replacement of your car? That translates to about 700,000 kilograms per year based on the average 14,000 kilometers traveled by cars in Australia and that the time spent in traffic jams.

Amazing fuel consumption – if you convert the energy used of electric bikes to fuel, it can travel 434 kilometers ion just 1 liter of petrol compared to the average 7 kilometers of cars.

Cost reduction – With the current gas prices you are spending about 71 cents per kilometer with an e bike you will only be spending 5 cents per kilometer. Just how cost effective is that?

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